How can we help you?

You will find below all the most frequently asked questions.  We are also at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm for all your questions or individual appointments at 09 52 78 43 44.

The concept

You can choose and order your pack and add-ons from with payment by credit card, bank transfer, check, etc. When you order, you will receive an email with a link to install the software as well as your activation key and logins for your training space.

You will also be able to access your training space for a quick and easy set up. Our teams are at your disposal for any question and you can book a meeting.

When you place your order, you will receive an email confirming your order as well as the link to download the customization software and access your training space. You will then receive your pack within a few days.  The website will also be operational within 3 working days. For the Turnkey pack, the hardware is ordered on the day of your order and will then be formatted, installed and shipped back to you within 24 hours of receiving the hardware in our offices. For the marketing tools and PVL, after confirmation of your part of the BAT, count 10 days maximum for reception at your place.

What status do you recommend?

The concept being under brand license, you choose the status that best suits you. However, we have noticed that the majority of our distributors choose the status of auto entrepreneur which allows them to set up easily and quickly. The canvassing is done online from the official website of the auto entrepreneur. Our teams are at your disposal to advise you and answer all your questions.

NO.  Our distributors around the world have a wide range of skills. Your success will be essentially linked to your personal skills: good interpersonal skills, an entrepreneurial spirit, good listening skills, creativity, perseverance and of course good communication skills are qualities that will help you to set up and develop your business.

We also put at your disposal on the training area guides and trainings to help you to increase your skills.

The net margin per book is on average 13.6 euros per book, 15 euros for CDs and 19 euros for DVDs and 69 euros for CreaKidz subscriptions. For the download version of the books and activity books, the download is unlimited and free!

Thus, depending on the targeted distribution networks, your income opportunities are unlimited and directly linked to your personal investment and skills. Guides and webinars are available in the training area to help you develop your skills and discover the best sales practices and strategy development.

You can also recruit teams and develop partnerships to accelerate your sales. The sales opportunities are endless to grow your business and revenue.

NO. The concept is under a brand license, so NO royalties or other fees. Once the license is acquired, there are NO renewal fees and when you restock, everything is also included. The net margin is therefore for you! The license is also for life, so no renewal fees.

NO the license is for life as well as the customization software.

You order on the online distributor space in a few clicks by choosing the desired products and quantities. No monthly quota required in your orders, you manage the stock according to your needs.

Orders are shipped within 48 hours maximum and, depending on the shipping method chosen, time and day of your order, reception within 48 to 72 hours.

No minimum quantities for CDs, DVDs, letters and poems. Books are packaged in packs of 10 books of the same title.

To get started, you will need a PC computer, preferably at least 15 inches, laptop or desktop, a black and white laser printer and a standard 24 page stapler.

Not at all.  The books come flat and don’t take up any space. Just clear a space in a closet for all your stock.

YES.  You have access to an online training space with numerous guides, training videos that we complete every month. We also organize training webinars and working groups (on a voluntary basis). And of course, you can contact our consultants at any time to help you develop your business.

There is a starter pack to become a My World to Me distributor.  This gives you access to the lifetime license and personalization software and an initial stock! You also get access to the online training area.  Once the initial stock is sold, you just need to order additional stock according to your needs and you can benefit throughout the year from punctual promotional offers for even greater profit margins for you!

Not at all. The manufacturing process is simple and takes about 5 minutes. Training videos explaining the manufacturing process step by step are available on the training area. We also include a few extra samples in the package for you to practice.

It takes about 5 minutes per book and 30 seconds for a poem. For the CDs and DVDs, you order online and receive a download link that you can send by email to your customers for the downloadable versions. For the physical version of the CDs and DVDs, count 5 minutes for the engraving, printing and preparation of the cases.

You can start selling the books as soon as you receive your package, usually 3-5 days in Europe.  You can also pre-sell before you receive your package and order additional stock.

The opportunities are endless and we share the best practices, ideas and tips we have gathered from our distributors over the years. We share these best practices in our training guides and training webinars.

There is no territorial exclusivity but we ask our distributors to keep us informed of their development so that we can ensure that there is no direct competition between our distributors.

YES. We regularly provide you with new marketing tools: catalogs, product visuals, videos, etc.

You can also order additional modules such as the visual identity module or the exhibition module, digital for turnkey marketing tools, personalized and delivered directly to your home.

YES you can sell other products, including books. The only limitation is that there is no direct competition between the products.

YES you can choose your selling prices. We conduct market research every 4 months to better advise you on your sales strategy and recommended prices. We also share with you tips on how to maximize your sales with ‘upsells’ to increase your average basket with for example the addition of photo, bonus CD, gift wrapping, etc.

Do you accept distributors outside of France?

What happens if I want to stop my activity?

YES we are recruiting distributors worldwide and in several languages.

You can stop or put down your activity at any time.  Just inform us by email at

The software

YES it is very simple and intuitive.  Training videos are available on the training area.

NO need for internet connection.  You can make the books wherever you are.

YES you can install it on several computers.

Installation is quick and easy. When you order you receive an installation disk and a video is available on your training space detailing the installation. Count 5 mn for the installation. You can also download the software from your training space, from the day you order.  All the training videos are freely available on your training space.

How do I use the software?
What type of computer do I need?
Does it work on MAC ?
What do I need to start selling ?
Can I sell the products from my website ?
How do I prepare a CD or DVD?
How many first names are available on the products?
What if the first name is not available for the music products?
What happens if I have a problem with the software?

Our software was developed with you in mind! It’s very simple and easy to use and you don’t need to have an advanced computer skills to use it. It’s very intuitive and you can customize your products from within the software in just a few seconds. Training videos are also available from your training area. We offer technical support if needed.

You will need a PC, 15 inches minimum preferably. All operating systems from Windows XP or Windows Vista to Windows 10, 1GB RAM or more. An internal or external burner if you wish to purchase the TRIO or TURNKEY pack. Laptop or not, although we recommend laptops for ease of use if you wish to participate in events, exhibitions, etc.

NO on PC only.

It is very simple. You need a computer, a laser printer (black and white) and one or two standard 24-page staplers. For the TRIO and TURNKEY Packs, you will need blank CDs and DVDs as well as the cases. The CD stomper for sticking the labels is included in the pack. Everything else is provided to you. If you wish, we can provide you with all the equipment with computer and pre-installed software and laser printer at competitive prices.

YES, you can sell all our products from your website and we provide you with all the necessary images on your training space. If you don’t have a website, we offer an e-commerce module that allows you to acquire a turnkey e-commerce site with access to your back office for independent management of your site. You will just need to choose your hosting company (we can advise you). Initial training videos on how to manage your WordPress back office are available in your training area.

The CD and DVD range is available for download. You can then offer your customers the download or physical CD/DVD version. Order from your distributor order space and you will receive a download link within 24 hours?

You can check the availability of the first names by album and languages on the training space. For DVDs, the list of names is unlimited. For labels and covers, you can order them on the distributor space (for a professional quality) or print them yourself, the files being available on your training space.

The number of names is unlimited on the whole publishing range (books, poems, letters …) as well as on the DVD cartoon range. For the CD range, you can choose among 8,000 names in several languages. For all products, you can also choose the spelling of the name.

Check on the document with other spellings, accents … If the desired name is not available, there are generic names such as baby, my darling …. If you still can’t find it, you can always sell other products such as books, cartoons, poems, letters. Please note that the names available are different from one album to another. If you can’t find the name for an album, check another album. For example, if you can’t find the name you want for the album ‘chante pour moi’, check the list on the album ‘Ma Musique pour Moi’.

You can check the availability of names by album and language on the training area.

Create a technical support ticket (details provided in your training area) and a technician will contact you as soon as possible.

The commercialization

The children’s publishing and personalization market is booming. Market studies are available on the training area or on request at

The only limitation is your creativity. Kiosks, stores, exhibitions, markets, day care centers, associations, etc.  Beforehand, it is important to inform us of your distribution network or activity. We reserve the right to refuse a point of sale if it does not respect the codes of ethics or is already covered by another licensee. You can also find on your training space a guide to help you in your business development and organize training webinars throughout the year.

You can place your restocking orders online at the distributor area, 7/7 and 24H/day. There is no minimum order quantity for CDs and DVDs and books can be ordered in packs of 10.

You benefit from a set of training courses to help you develop your business, including: initial individual training when you set up your business, a training area to train at your own pace with manuals, videos and much more. You can also participate throughout the year in our webinars and working groups. And of course, for specific questions, our teams are at your disposal at any time.

The products

YES our range includes not only books, but also letters and poems, a range of 30 CD albums, cartoons and a new digital platform with over 70 designs to choose from. We regularly create and add new products and concepts throughout the year.

YES books are available in washable hardcover and softcover.

2 formats are available depending on the titles selected. A3 folded format for the Super Heroes comic strip and the baby album and A4 folded format for all the other titles, a format adapted to children, for an easy grip.

This is our passion! We create new products throughout the year, software updates, new languages, new training materials etc. Our distributors also have the opportunity to participate in the development of these new products through working groups.

NO this is included in your license.

YES absolutely. You can format your contact information in the software so that your contact information is included in every book printout.

To date, French, English, Spanish and Italian are available in the MMM edition range, 8 languages in the music range, 5 languages in the DVD range and unlimited languages in the CreaKidz range.

Can we add other languages?

YES. You can send us the translated texts that we can add to the software.

They speak about it

Professeur des écoles maintenant à la retraite, je recherchais une activité pour arrondir mes fins de mois et rester actif. Je suis tombé par hasard sur les produits Mon Monde à Moi et ai tout de suite trouvé les produits fantastiques, à la fois ludiques et éducatifs et un très bon outil pour encourager les petits à lire et apprendre. Les collections répondent à mes valeurs personnelles. Je commercialise les livres auprès de mon réseau et collègues et le retour est extrêmement positif et ils commencent tous également à me faire de la pub et mon activité est en plein essor.  Pleinement satisfait !

Je vends les produits Mon Monde à Moi depuis 1 mois et les opportunités de ventes sont vraiment nombreuses ! Ma mise à place a été rapide  et j’ai bien été accompagnée ce qui m’a permis d’être opérationnelle rapidement. la prise en main du logiciel est simple ainsi que la fabrication des produits et le rendu est de qualité.  J’aime aller à la rencontre des clients et  le plus extraordinaire, c’est de voir le visage des enfants et parents lorsqu’ils découvrent les produits et repartent avec.  J’ai fait mes premiers marchés de Noël et malgré mon manque d’expérience, j’ai vendu en moyenne une vingtaine de produits par marché et ce chiffre progresse à chaque fois.  J’attends avec impatience vos nouveaux produits que mes clients me réclament déjà !

En reconversion, je me suis lancée avec Mon Monde à Moi sans aucune expérience commerciale, ce que j’appréhendais. Le réseau m’a encouragée et accompagnée et m’a donné de précieux conseils dans le ciblage des réseaux de vente qui sont très nombreux. Je me suis ainsi concentrée au départ sur les écoles, le bouche à oreille et les CE. Et maintenant, je me diversifie avec les salons, internet et le partenariat avec des magasins. Les produits se vendent facilement : ils sont abordables à toutes les bourses  et réveillent l’enfant en chaque individu. Je reçois tous les jours des commentaires positifs et encouragement des mes clients. Je prend à nouveau confiance en moi et un réel plaisir à développer mon activité

Je suis distributeur des produits Mon Monde à Moi depuis leurs tous débuts en France. Les choses ont beaucoup changé depuis et ne cesse de me surprendre avec des nouveaux produits toujours aussi innovants et qui plaisent toujours autant à mes clients. Mon Monde à Moi a lancé l’an dernier un nouvel espace distributeur avec de nouveaux outils de formation en e-learning que je trouve très utiles et il me permet de renouveler mon discours et mon approche commerciale. L’enseigne est transparente dans sa politique tarifaire et donc pas de mauvaises surprises ni frais inattendus. Les produits se vendent facilement, surtout en démonstration et j’ai une très bonne fidélisation de mes clients.

Je recherchais une activité en complément de salaire et le concept Mon Monde à Moi m’a tout de suite séduite et répond parfaitement à mes besoins. Je suis auto-entrepreneur et ma mise en place a été très rapide et telle que décrite. Les produits plaisent beaucoup avec des nouveautés très régulièrement. Les logiciels sont simples d’utilisation et me permettent de préparer les produits en face du client. Je peux travailler à mon rythme avec de belles marges. Aucun regret et de belles perspectives

Je suis passionnée de livres pour enfants et manga et suis devenue distributrice de la gamme Edition Mon Monde à Moi. Je commercialise sur les marchés, fais des animations sur le lieu de vente, médiathèques, dans les CE et anime des ateliers pour les enfants. Les livres plaisent énormément. Maintenant, j’ai également un entourage qui fait la promo de mes produits, ce qui m’apporte des commandes supplémentaires. J’organise aussi parfois avec l’auteur des séances d’autographes lorsque elle est de passage près de chez moi. Les livres sont bien conçus, beaux et colorés, faciles et rapides à fabriquer (même si je n’étais pas rassurée pour les premiers). Ce concept me procure une grande flexibilité dans mes horaires et façon de travailler et même quand je pars en vacances, je peux continuer à vendre mes livres (un hit l’an dernier en vacances où j’ai fait des ateliers en fin de journée). Mes revenus sont liés à l’effort investi et pour réussir et générer le maximum d’argent, il ne faut pas avoir peur d’aller sur le terrain, de faire marcher le bouche à oreille et la communication avec les clients existants. Un autre grand plus, la personnalisation immédiate des livres (et pas seulement le nom et prénom mais en général une dizaine d’éléments) et mes clients peuvent repartir avec leur livre personnalisé sous le bras. Les livres se vendent bien tout au long de l’année aussi bien auprès des parents que les grands-parents qui sont de gros amateurs. J’insiste aussi sur le label “fait en France” que mes clients apprécient tout particulièrement.

Je suis une mère de famille avec 3 enfants en bas âge. Je recherchais une façon de conserver une activité professionnelle et mon indépendance financière tout en ayant la flexibilité de passer du temps avec mes enfants. J’ai découvert Mon Monde à Moi après avoir acheté leurs produits.  J’ai débuté avec le bouche à oreille, j’ai contacté les crèches et écoles de mon quartier, les associations de parents d’élèves, les nounous autour de moi et ai fais des salons et marchés. Je suis encore surprise de la vitesse à laquelle j’ai vendu les produits et commencé à faire des profits ! L’avenir me semble très prometteur avec leur nouveau produit CreaKidz ! A mon dernier salon, j’ai vendu 110 livres et 74 CD en une seule journée, au-delà de mes espérances ! Merci à Mon Monde à Moi

Mes produits se vendent comme des petits pains !
Je suis un commercial multi-carte et je recherchais une façon d’arrondir mes fins de mois tout en conservant la flexibilité dans mes horaires de travail. Je suis tombé sous le charme et l’originalité des produits, que j’avais testés avec ma fille et ses amies de l’école. Leur enthousiasme m’a tout de suite convaincu. Les produits se vendent comme des petits pains, au-delà de mes espérances et avec les nouvelles gammes à venir, je suis très optimiste : c’est une activité très rentable et qui m’apporte également une satisfaction personnelle. Bravo pour vos produits et merci de me donner l’opportunité de faire partie de la famille Mon Monde à Moi.

Je suis tombée sur Mon Monde à Moi par hasard alors que je recherchais de nouvelles opportunités. J’étais très tentée par l’idée de me mettre à mon compte mais avais peur de sauter le pas. J’ai acheté un pack TRIO qui m’a donné accès à l’ensemble de la gamme de produits mais avec un investissement initial limité et un profit après vente de mon stock initial de 3700 euros. Ce qui m’a beaucoup plu est que je peux exercer depuis mon domicile et le stock ne prend pas beaucoup de place ce qui était important pour moi, vivant en appartement. L’enseigne est très dynamique et à l’écoute. J’ai même pu participer à la création d’un nouveau livre, ce que j’ai trouvé passionnant et enrichissant